prosthetic surface studio_
2002 ‘Prosthetic Surface Studio’/ Reinhardt (Studioleader, Coord.: Prof Tom Henegan)
USYD (MArch) Research of critical surface conditions and generative methods in fashion (Chalayan, Miyake, Kawakubo) through design model, media rotation and architectural application
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‘Prosthetic Surface Studio’ 2006-02

The ProstheticSurface Studio investigates possibilities of architecture as a dynamic system, and the potential of a prosthetic surface that affects space – a surface formation that acts as an operative third skin. Parameters of this system and its interrelations are time, movement, space, surface formations, individual, data and media. To date, the dynamics accommodating change through an architectural environment have been constructed as adaptable, flexible, modular, mobile, or morphing system, but are restricted in later applications. The ProstheticSurface Studio thus examines the processes, techniques and devices of contemporary approaches, in order to formulate alternative solutions.

A departure point for the studio is the mutual correspondence of fashion and architecture, as both professions share strategies and techniques of production. A specific method of surface prosthetics as apparent in the work of Hussein Chalayan (‘Aeroplane Dress ‘ and ‘Remote Control Dress’) will be investigated. Here, a number of strategies are executed and can thus be analysed and used for an inhabitable and modifiable spatial envelope with responsiveness.

To name but a few agents of change: constructive line and operative surface, communication, coding and signage, form information programs, pattern charts, volume outlines, texture fields, surface operations, and implemented electronic or digital extensions. In all named, the prosthetic surface is potentially activated twice, before production and in operation by the impact of data/ information. The ProstheticSurface Studio then pursues a process of change in the phases of design, construction and operation of architecture. We will review, define and instrumentalize new surface conceptions and techniques, develop new strategies, and consequently present new architectural solutions for an unlimited number of inhabitation options and user profiles.

The ultimate objective of the ProstheticSurface Studio is a new definition of architecture and space as an interactive, elastic, responsive, evolutionary cultural entity.
res_Sonic Domes
res_Acoustic Consequences/Performative Structures
res_gold/monstrous topography
res_Not What We Think
res_First Steps in Body-Machine Choreography
txt_Trivet Fields: Materiality of Interaction
phd_Departures From the Blueprint
txt_Elastic: Latent Formations in Fashion
txt_Design Model And Media Rotation
txt_Prosthetic Surface: Dynamic Architecture
txt_Surface Strategies and Constructive Line
studio performative spaces
studio_design models
lab_branding dubai
lab_elastic space
lab_prosthetic surface
lab_inform research
lab_precast reality